Saturday, 15-02-2025
First (1st)
4 8 5 3 7 6
Second (2nd)
Third (3rd)
Forth (4th)
Fifth (5th)


Buy Global Day 6D USD $ 5
And you could win Jackpot USD $ 3,000,000

Premium Payment per 6D Lottery
(Award for USD $ 1 bets)
Premium category How to win Reward
1st Prize 6 digits designed as a first prize USD $100,000
2st Prize First 5 or last 5 digits of 1st prize USD $3,000
3st Prize First 4 or last 4 digits of 1st prize USD $300
4th Prize First 3 or last 3 digits of 1st prize USD $30
5th Prize First 2 or last 2 digits of 1st prize USD $5
1st 4 8 5 3 7 6
2nd 4 8 5 3 7 OR 8 5 3 7 6
3rd 4 8 5 3 OR 5 3 7 6
4th 4 8 5 OR 3 7 6
5th 4 8     OR 7 6